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Audition FAQs
Auditon Tips


General Questions


When are the shows?

We are producing Free Play as an anti-racist play series throughout the 2020-2021 school year.


How much will each show cost?

Free Play is FREE to the public. 

How long is it?

Each evening's event will be one hour in length.


Are the plays family friendly?

Free Play was written with students in mind. Water Gun Song, Act Free, and Nothing Rhymes with Juneteenth are appropriate for all ages. Black Flag and #matters are suggested for ages 14 and up.

Parents and guardians may wish to read the scripts ahead of time and may do so by clicking here.

Will each night just be the performance?

Each play is less than 25 minutes in length, and will be followed by a discussion by invited panelists on the themes of the play and how they connect to our communities.


What kinds of panels can I expect? 

Each play brings up a myriad of topics. Our students have invited distinguished guests to engage in deep conversation about the themes of each play. Panels will be announced in the coming weeks.


Who is directing these plays?

Under the gifted partnership of Common Ground Theatre and its Artistic Director Yolanda Franklin, we are thrilled to bring on five brilliant Black Teaching Artists to work with our students and direct these works. Read more about them on the Director's page.


Audition FAQs

Do I need any experience to audition?

Nope! We're inviting brand-new actors and experienced storytellers alike to join us on this important production. Our fabulous directors will work with you to bring these stories to life. Just show us your fabulous self!


I’ve never auditioned before! Where do I find material??

Each director will have a different process of auditioning their potential cast. If your director has an open call, they will want to hear you read from the script, and may have you engage in some other games or activities. The best way to get ready for this type of audition is to be familiar with the script.

If your director has asked you to prepare something, you will need to practice ahead of time. Poems or monologues make great material for auditions. (A monologue is a speech by one character.) You can use a favorite poem or monologue you've read before, or you can check out our suggestions:​

No matter what kind of audition it is, be yourself and bring a positive attitude!

Does my audition piece need to be memorized?

No. While a memorized audition might be impressive, we're far more moved by your ability to deliver the lines like you mean them. Practice your piece, know the story behind the words, and tell it to us through the camera!

I'm interested in auditioning, but I'm really busy. What is the time commitment like?

If you work, have school, have family commitments, play sports: YOU CAN STILL AUDITION! We want to work with you!

While the time commitment for each play will vary, directors will need a minimum of four (4) separate hour-long rehearsals with you for each show. If you are called back for a part, we'll ask you to fill out a conflict calendar to help us plan a schedule around your commitments.


When will I hear back about my audition?

We will be reviewing audition tapes on a rolling basis, so make sure to check your email!


What and when are callbacks?

"Callbacks" are the process where directors will get to meet you and hear you read from the script. Callbacks will be conducted over Zoom and will be scheduled at the discretion of each director.

Do you have to be a student at Mt. Carmel to audition?

Auditions are open to all students, staff, parents, and alumni from across the district. You do not need to attend MC to be considered for a role.

Are all ages able to audition?

Yes! Please check out the Character Descriptions for more information. If you are under 18, make sure you check with your parent or guardian first.


Audition Tips

  • Smile! You're gorgeous and we love seeing you smile.

  • Film your video in a place with good lighting. We want to be able to see you!

  • Film from a good angle. Set up a tripod, balance your camera on a stack of books, or have a family member help you!

  • Practice your piece a LOT. Try reading it aloud in the mirror, to your family, to your dog! Make sure you know it well before you record it.

  • Don't forget to introduce yourself! We like saying "Hi, my name is (your name), from (your school) and I'll be performing (the title of your poem/monologue)." 

  • Speak slowly and clearly. Record in a place with minimal background noise.

  • Don't wait until the last minute! Anxiety will not help your performance. (Trust us on this one.)

  • Record yourself several times and choose the best "take."

  • Watch your tape from beginning to end before you send it in! Oftentimes videos get cut off and actors don't realize.

  • Have a trusted friend or family member watch it. Tell them you could use some confidence-boosting words of encouragement!

  • GO FOR IT! "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Mt. Carmel High School | 9550 Carmel Mountain Road | San Diego, CA 92129
858.484.1180 | |
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